BiggDogg wrote:Whichever color you decide to go with, I say gloss is the way to go. Gunmetal gloss actually sounds like it would look pretty good with the color of your truck

I'm leaning towards glossy myself, I have a '68 VW Roadster in flat OD (multi spectral camoflage, NATO standard

) with WIDE flat black rims. They collect all sorts of road crud and they are not the easiest to clean... But when it IS clean, it looks real mean! It's like not reflecting sunlight suggest there's something sinister about it.
I was hoping the wide steelies and a change of stance might give my bump some attitude. It sits about level to the ground now, I was thinking of raising it an inch in the rear.
It looks so damn gentle in that white and blue two-tone... Im not looking to make it look so mean you hold on to your wallet or hurry the kids inside when I pass by, just not as "nice" as it looks now.